Integrated Search

Refine by:
  • [nmjh]General Catalogue Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains basic data for integrated searching of the wide-ranging historical, archaeological and ethnological materials held by the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Medieval-Monjo Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains detailed items, such as date, opening phases and closing phrases, and images of the medieval documents contained within the National Museum of Japanese History's collections
  • [nmjh]Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information of document titles, senders’ names and recipients’ names, for the early modern and contemporary archives held by the National Museum of Japanese History. Documents can be searched and sorted by era. Currently contains the collection of Yotaro Mizuki.
  • [nmjh]Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information of Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments inherited by Kishu-Tokugawa Family, held by the National Museum of Japanese History. Contains data of instruments with images, accessories and attached documents with full texts.
  • [nmjh]Weapons and Arms Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Detailed database of weapons, arms held by the National Museum of Japanese History, with images and descriptive information such as classification and era, also interconnected with Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Detailed database of literatures on weapons and arms, held by the National Museum of Japanese History, also interconnected with Weapons and Arms Database
  • [nmjh]Nishikie Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides detailed information(i.e. title, painter, classification of subject and content), together with images, of Nishiki-e prints held by the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides detailed content information for the “Scrapbooks of Comic Storytellers” which are believed to contain various historical materials of the ordinary life in the mid-to-late 19th century collected by comic storytellers. “Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu” means the trashes (historical materials) put inside a certain storuteller’s Kimono clothes.
  • [nmjh]The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information of material, technique and other fundamental data with images of Kosode put on folding screen (Kosode Byobu), contained in the Nomura Syojiro’s costume collection held by the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Together with fundamental data on the more than 4,000 paper patterns for use in dyeing held by the National Museum of Japanese History, this database offers not only standard images of the collection but also infrared images which bring out details not visible to the naked eye
  • [nmjh]Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    With the aim of making available the Jomon earthenware and stoneware materials held by the National Museum of Japanese History, this database provides pictures and fundamental data, such as dating and type, for collection piece
  • [nmjh]Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides images and data for the National Museum of Japanese History’s collection of personal accessories, such as hair accessories (combs, hair sticks, hairpins), accessory cases (tobacco pouch, paper pouch,, hakoseko(a kind of paper pouch), small pouch for talisman) and pillbox, from the Edo to Meiji eras
  • [nmjh]The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains catalog information and images of all literatures and documents of the Imperial Palace materials collection succeeded by Takamatsunomiya Royal Family held by the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
    National Museum of Japanese History
    A database of the full text of the diary of Lord Hirohashi Kaneaki, a nobleman who lived during the mid-Muromachi Period
  • [nmjh]REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides catalog information on books held by the research library of the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Manors in Japan Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains primary data, such as locations, manor lords and historical documentation, for those manors which served as the social and economic foundation of medieval Japan. Interconnected with Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
  • [nmjh]Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains primary papers and literatures relating to manors. Interconnected with the Manors in Japan Database
  • [nmjh]Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains research results and bibliographic data for the nationwide development of the Democratic Rights Movement between the 1870s and the 1880s
  • [nmjh]Munafuda Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains basic data of munafuda ( a wooden plate recording completion or restoration of a building) held in buildings which are not designated as the cultural properties, not contained in the survey report on manafuda for buildings of shrines and temples published in fiscal year 1991
  • [nmjh]Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Extracts data from historical documents showing the prices of various items from roughly the 8th through the 16th centuries in order to examine urban life in ancient and medieval Japan
  • [nmjh]A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains information, such as location of abode, occupation, stock of trade association, etc., on merchants and artisans in early modern Edo, using directories, stock books and other documents of those merchants and artisans. Merchant names are sorted according to shop names and personal names, and location of Edo are linked with their current location in Tokyo’s 23 wards
  • [nmjh]Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides data of medieval seisatsu (notices written on wood board, put up at shrines and temples or street corners of towns and villages; also known as kosatsu), interconnected with the Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information of papers and literatures on medieval seisatsu, interconnected with the Medieval Notice Board Database
  • [nmjh]Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides Japanese medieval towns and cities information (i.e., information other than Kyoto and Kamakura), such as name, location, character and duration of existence, interconnected with Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides bibliographical data of research papers and literatures on Japanese medieval towns and cities, interconnected with Towns in Medieval Japan Database
  • [nmjh]Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    The database of Japanese excavation sites where trade ceramic wares are unearthed, with information of excavated remains, relics and ceramic wares, interconnected with Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    The database of papers and reports on excavation sites of trade ceramic wares in Japan, interconnected with Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
  • [nmjh]Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains information on excavated dogu (clay figurines) from the Jomon Era of Japan, including excavation site information, dogu characteristics and attributes, and reference literatures
  • [nmjh]Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information indispensible to research into the production and distribution economy of ceramic industry of early modern Japan, such as business operational structure, kiln structure, production implements and kiln documents, interconnected with Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
  • [nmjh]Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides major bibliographic data relating to early modern ceramic-making sites. Interconnected with the Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
  • [nmjh]Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides information of remains and relics of castles and castle towns excavated up through 1991 (1990 for western Japan), interconnected with Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Provides bibliographical information of papers and reports on castles and castle towns excavated up through 1991 (1990 for western Japan), interconnected with Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
  • [nmjh]The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains basic data for calculating the composition of stone instruments and other relevant information taken from excavation sites, from the latter part of Jomon era to the beginning of Kofun era, which have conditions allowing for calculation the composition. Interconnected with the composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
  • [nmjh]The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains figures of stone instruments from excavation sites, from the latter part of Jomon era to the beginning of Kofun era, which have conditions allowing for calculation the composition of stone instruments. Interconnected with the composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
  • [nmjh]Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains information of excavation site, of the roughly 70,000 itabi (stone monuments) found throughout Kanto, Tohoku and Hokkaido. Latitude and longitude is used for the location information of sites. Interconnected with Itabi-Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi) and (Bibliography
  • [nmjh]Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains data of Buddhist saints, Mantra and other information of the roughly 70,000 itabi (stone monuments) found throughout Kanto, Tohoku and Hokkaido. Interconnected with Itabi-Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations) and (Bibliography)
  • [nmjh]Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains bibliographical information of the roughly 70,000 itabi (stone monuments) found throughout Kanto, Tohoku and Hokkaido. Interconnected with Itabi-Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations) and (Itabi)
  • [nmjh]Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains bibliography of papers, reports, documents and literatures, produced in the field of folklore studies and related academic disciplines since 1985, with information on the regions which are objects of these studies
  • [nmjh]A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
    National Museum of Japanese History
    The database of the lexicon of regional dialects which transmitted orally. Contains the folklore expressions recorded in “Sogo Nihon Minzoku-goi ( The comprehensive lexicon of Japanese Follore Expressions) ” which was edited under the leadership of Kunio Yanakita, and other words and phrases.
  • [nmjh]Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains traditions (popular superstitions) such as omen, fortune-telling, taboo and magic, and information of regions where transmit those superstitions. Now provides superstitions on animals which are a part of roughly thirty thousand data of superstitions on animals and plants.
  • [nmjh]Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
    National Museum of Japanese History
    Contains traditions (popular superstitions) such as omen, fortune-telling, taboo and magic, and information of regions where transmit those superstitions. Provides superstitions on Body and Disease.
  • [nmjh]Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    National Museum of Japanese History
    文化財ごとに色味や色材の推定構造などの文献調査を行いデータベース化したもので、文化財の種類、時代、それに使用されている支持体・色材のデータを蓄積している。色材の構造、特性、使用法などについては、原データベースからのリンクにより、詳しい特性を知ることができる。<br />本データベースは、科学技術振興機構(JST)の革新技術開発研究事業(平成17-19年度)および先端計測分析技術・機器開発(平成21-23年度)の交付を受けて作成した。
  • [nmjh]Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
    National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Database of Siebold Family Collection
    National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]National Museum of Japanese History Repository
    National Museum of Japanese History
    The institutional repository of the National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nmjh]Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database
    National Museum of Japanese History
  • [nijl]Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database summarizing and listing materials held in the historical archives of the NIJL (the National Institute of Japanese Literature), focusing on materials from the historical archives of the former Ministry of Education Historical Archives
  • [nijl]Azuma-Kagami
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The text database of “Azuma Kagami (The Chronicle of Kamakura Government ) ”. The original text is the woodblock print book of the third year of Kan’ei ( AD 1626).
  • [nijl]Eiri Genji Monogatari
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The text database of “E’iri Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji with Illustrations) ” held by the NIJL. The original text is the woodblock print book published in the third year of Syo’ou ( AD 1654).
  • [nijl]Niju-ichi-dai Shu
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The text database of “Niju-ichi-dai-shu ”. “Niju-ichi-day-shu” is the twenty-one collections of waka (traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables) compiled by imperial commands. The original text is the woodblock print book published in the Syoho period, held by the NIJL. The database can be searched by the items such as foreword, poet, waka , annotation and memorandum.
  • [nijl]Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database providing bibliographic information obtained from surveys on literatures and documents from the Meiji Era conducted by the NIJL and researchers from throughout Japan, and also providing the digital images on literatures from the Meiji Era collected by the NIJL.
  • [nijl]Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of bibliographic and location information on Japanese books held in libraries, museums and art museums, etc., in Europe. The data which is collected and organized by Professor Peter Kornicki of Cambridge University is gradually added to the database.
  • [nijl]Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of information on facsimile printings of kohitsu-gire ( classical paperpieces of old and excellent writings) after the publication of  “Kohitsugire Te’iyo (Compendium of classical paper pieces with old writings)”
  • [nijl]Archival Location Information Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of location and overview of material originating from different locations throughout Japan. User registration is required for detailed version.
  • [nijl]New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The new version database of images of Nara-Ehon (books or scrolls with colored pictures for stories published from the latter part of Muromachi period to the early part of Edo period) held by the NIJL, with texts put in type.
  • [nijl]Historical Figure Image
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of images of historical figures from ancient times to early modern times. Images are taken from Japanese old books held by the NIJL. Users are able to compare and contrast how the character is represented.
  • [nijl]Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Catalog database of Japanese literature theses (from 1912).
  • [nijl]Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of advertisements for publications printed in Meiji period newspapers, aimed at exploring modern Japanese publishing.
  • [nijl]Archival Information Sharing Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of archival information released in Japan and overseas , jointly constructed by various organizations holding archives open to the public.
  • [nijl]NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of shrine names, locations and structures prior to WWII taken from detailed shrine records throughout Japan. Database of shrine names, locations and structures prior to WWII taken from detailed shrine records throughout Japan. The original text created as public record by the Ministry of Home Affairs and transferred to the Religious Affairs Division of the Ministry of Education, is available from the NIJL.
  • [nijl]Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database linked with a Renga database and Ennou database on load to the NIJL and including a newly produced Gagaku database,
  • [nijl]Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Currently contains six volumes, including Jigekaden (Kagefumi Mikami; edited and revised by Masamune Atsuo (Nihon Koten Zenshu Kankokai)) and Nihon Jinmei Jiten (edited by Yaichi Haga) and. Also links to Historical Figure Image.
  • [nijl]Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Comprehensive database of both bibliography and owners’ information about Japanese classics, with reference information of literary works and authors. Displays together with possessors and republication / copy information from the “Kokusho Somokuroku (Central Catalog of Japanese Writings)”. Bibliographic information includes Japanese old books, microfilm and digital materials (taken of Japanese classics both within Japan and overseas ) held by the NIJL
  • [nijl]Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    Database of research literature in Japan related to archival studies. Individual documents containing chapters are all entered in "Content."<br />11,000 items.
  • [nijl]Rekishi Monogatari
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The text databases of "Eiga Monogatari", "Ōkagami", "Imakagami", "Mizukagami", and "Masukagami". While the original text of "Eiga Monogatari" is the woodblock print book of the private collection, those of "Ōkagami", "Imakagami", "Mizukagami", and "Masukagami" are the woodblock print books held by the NIJL.
  • [nijl]Kojiruien Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
  • [nijl]Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    National Institute of Japanese Literature

  • [nijl]Collectors' Seals
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
  • [nijl]National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository
    National Institute of Japanese Literature
    The institutional repository of the National Institute of Japanese Literature
  • [ninjal]Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Database of language-related newspaper articles headlines , 1949 to March, 2009
  • [ninjal]NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Bibliographic database of books held by the Research Library of NINJAL.
  • [ninjal]Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    350 map images from "Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects"
  • [ninjal]Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Database of Research Thesis in Japanease Linguistics and Japanese Education, from 1950.
  • [ninjal]Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    300 map images from "Linguistics Atlas of Japan"
  • [ninjal]NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Bibliographic database of Periodicals held by the Research Library of NINJAL.
  • [ninjal]Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

  • [ninjal]Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    The institutional repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • [ninjal]Summary of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Overview of research materials held by NINJAL Research Materials Room.
  • [ninjal]Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Database of materials (e.g., index cards, audio recordings, etc.) collected or created in the research projects by NINJAL.
  • [ninjal]Draft Linguistic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Database of draft linguistic maps and reference maps held by NINJAL Research Materials Room.
  • [ircjs]Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Database of rare books and maps related to Japan in European languages (1550-1860s) in the Nichibunken Library. In addition to graphic images of all pages of these rare books, the database contains bibliographic information, tables of contents of the books, and captions for the illustrations.
  • [ircjs]Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Database of the Noma Collection, including sixteenth-century books on human anatomy, donated to Nichibunken by the Noma Research Archives for Science and Medicine (closed in 2003).
  • [ircjs]Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Mainly illustrations from the Soda Archives of books and illustrations relating to histories of medicine and pharmacy collected by the late Soda Hajime (1921-1996), an authority on the history of medicine.
  • [ircjs]Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Database of high-resolution digital images of emakimono (picture scrolls) held at Nichibunken. This database is IIIF-compliant.
  • [ircjs]Folklore Illustrations
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    High resolution images of all pages of the ezoshi, or illustrated story books from the Edo period, in the Nichibunken collection.
  • [ircjs]Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Database of high-resolution images of Chirimen-bon (Japanese folktales written in other languages, printed on Japanese washi paper made for export in the Meiji and Taisho eras), held at Nichibunken.
  • [ircjs]Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Images of the Nara Ehon (Nara picture books) in the Library of Congress Collection in the United States, along with commentaries.
  • [ircjs]Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Database of digitized high-resolution images of Edo-period and Meiji-era meisho zue illustrated guidebooks of famous places in Kyoto held at Nichibunken. The database has been constructed to help researchers study the lifestyles and customs of old Kyoto through such guidebooks.
  • [ircjs]Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Images of rectangular poem cards (Tanzaku) with verses brushed by the figures who appear in the Heian Jinbutsu Shi (held at Nichibunken), text versions of the verses and source data.
  • [ircjs]Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Images, complete text, and index to the Heian Jinbutsu Shi who’s who (collection of Nichibunken) published between 1768 and 1867.
  • [ircjs]Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Images of Ukiyo-e prints in the Library of Congress Collection in the United States, along with commentaries on the prints.
  • [ircjs]Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Paintings on silk by Nakajima Soyo and explanatory texts by Kyoto scholar Ema Tsutomu from Miyako nenju gyoji gajo (1928; owned by Nichibunken), a picture album depicting annual festivals and customs of Kyoto.
  • [ircjs]Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Bibliographic information on Yōkai and mysterious phenomena reported in folklore studies and other fields research.
  • [ircjs]Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Digitized full text and illustrations of the Kinsei Kijinden (parts 1 and 2, published in the 1790s),a collection of biographies of Edo-period figures(artists,poets,etc.).Chinese and kana characters in the old form have been replaced with present-day equivalents. Characters not in the JIS Code have been replaced with JIS Code characters having the same meaning and pronunciation.
  • [ircjs]Haikai
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    The major haikai collections, including those of Bashō and Buson. This material, collected over many years by Seta Katsuhiro of the Nara National College of Technology, was donated to Nichibunken in support of Japanese studies.
  • [ircjs]Renga
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Contains all Renga collections composed before the Eiroku era (up until the death of renga poet Sōyō in 1563) and the major works composed from the Eiroku era until the Bakumatsu period. This material, collected over many years by Professor Seta Katsuhiro of the Nara National College of Technology, has been donated to Nichibunken in support of Japanese studies.
  • [ircjs]Waka
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Contains all twenty-one imperial anthologies, including Man’yōshū, and major private waka collections such as Fuboku wakashū. This material, collected by Seta Katsuhiro over many years, was donated to Nichibunken in support of Japanese studies.
  • [ircjs]Japanese Art Overseas
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Contains images of and original source information on works of Japanese art (paintings, woodblock prints, netsuke, ceramics, lacquerware, sculpture, metalwork, etc.) in the collections of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the State Hermitage Museum in Russia, the Ferenc Hopp Museum of East Asian Arts in Hungary, as well as other museums in Hungary and the Czech Republic.
  • [ircjs]Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Digitization of a three-volume, indexed catalogue of pre-1900 published works in Western languages in the Nichibunken collection that contain material about Japan.
  • [ircjs]Nichibunken Map Collection
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    Images of old maps in the Nichibunken collection —mainly urban maps made in early modern Japan— are available in digital form.
  • [ircjs]Nichibunken Open Access
    International Research Center for Japanese Studies
    The institutional repository of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
  • [rihn]RIHN OPAC
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    Book catalog database held by the library of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
  • [rihn]Iriomote Literature Database
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    Database of literatures on Iriomote Island, collected by the research project of ‘Interactions between natural environment and human social systems in subtropical islands’
  • [rihn]Photo Database
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    Database of photos and videos collected by the research projects of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
  • [rihn]RIHN Research Archives Database
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) is developing the transdisciplinary field of environmental humanics of the earth system.<br />RIHN Research Archives collects many kinds of research materials such as publications, reports, images and observation data to help in understanding research activities of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and its research projects (<br />This database provides information on RIHN publications and research materials, map images, observation data.
  • [rihn]Ecological History Photograph
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
  • [rihn]Ecological History Bibliography
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
  • [rihn]Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Repository
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    The institutional repository of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
  • [nme]Artifact Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Basic information on the artifacts of economic activities, everyday life, rituals, and manufacturing tools held in the National Museum of Ethnology, such as their names, images, dimensions and weight, where they are used and by whom, and the year of acquisition.
  • [nme]Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Detailed information on the artifacts of economic activities, everyday life, rituals, and manufacturing tools held in the National Museum of Ethnology the Museum, such as their local names and translation, images, materials used in their construction, dimensions and weight, when, where and how they are used and by whom, and the place and date of acquisition.
  • [nme]Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Bibliographic information on published references to artifacts held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Basic collection information for materials collected by George Brown, a missionary and ethnographer who worked in the Pacific Islands from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme] The George Brown Collection
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Basic collection information for materials collected by George Brown, a missionary and ethnographer who worked in the Pacific Islands from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Visual Materials Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information on movie films, videotapes and DVDs held in the National Museum of Ethnology (photographs excluded).
  • [nme]Videotheque
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information on visual contents provided by the Videotheque in the main exhibition hall of the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Performing Arts Film
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information on film records of music, dance and theater that the National Museum of Ethnology has made at various places in the world since 1982. Videos are only allowed to be viewed inside the Museum.
  • [nme]Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Photographs taken by the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University from June - November, 1960 and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Photographs taken by the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition from 1962 - 1967 and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Photographs of the Kyoto University Second European Scientific Expedition (1969)
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Photographs taken by the Kyoto University Second European Scientific Expedition in 1969 and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Photographs taken by photographer Morihiro OKI in various places in India and Nepal from 1977-1996. The database includes approximately 20,000 photographs focused on rituals, festivals, performing arts, artifacts, and everyday life.
  • [nme]Audio Materials Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information on records, CDs and audio tapes held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Piece-by-piece information on music, and episode-by-episode information on traditional folktale records in audio materials held in the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Books Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Bibliographic and holdings information about books held in the library of the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Periodicals Catalog
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Bibliographic and holdings information about periodicals held in the library of the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information on the old maps of Africa collected by Kaufman, D.M., a member of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for thirty years and now held in the National Museum of Ethnology. High-quality digital images of the maps can be accessed and magnified on a sliding scale.
  • [nme]Minpaku Repository
    National Museum of Ethnology
    The institutional repository of the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Comprehensive catalog of written works from articles and books to endorsers on the belly bands since 1934 by UMESAO Tadao, the first director general of the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information (with images of letter samples) on books, newspapers, manuscripts, and artifacts written in various languages and writing systems collected from all over the world by the late NAKANISHI Akira, former president of Nakanishi Printing Co. Ltd., and later donated to the National Museum of Ethnology.
  • [nme]Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Information (including sound data) on Japanese traditional folktales, documented by INADA Koji at Kyoto Women's University and his group in 29 prefectures of Japan from 1967-1978 (446 tapes, about 190 hours recording). Sound data is only available inside the Museum.
  • [nme]Clothing and Accessory Materials
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Detailed information and images of clothing materials and accessory artifacts held in the National Museum of Ethnology, and field photographs.
  • [nme]Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
    National Museum of Ethnology
    Index of periodical articles and books that concern the culture of costumes and clothing. This database contains the following items: 1) Japanese periodical articles (current), 2) Japanese periodical articles (before the end of World War II), 3) Foreign language periodical articles, 4) Japanese books, 5) Foreign language ethnographies.
  • [nihu]Jomon shuraku database
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Database of villages in the middle of the Jomon period
  • [nihu]Jomon shuraku bunken database
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Database of documents of villages in the middle of the Jomon period
  • [nihu]Bakumatsu meiji chizu database
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Database of the borders and prefectural boundaries in the Meiji Era
  • [nihu]The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Chunghua educational review is one of famous educational magazines in Repubrican period.This database has about 5400 record of article of "Chunghua educational review" with GB traditional chinese code.
  • [nihu]The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China (1931-1945) in the latest 10 years (2001-2010)
  • [nihu]Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    This database contains Japanese equivalents for the modern Western terminology in The Hyakugaku Renkan lectures given by Nishi Amane (1829-1897). The two texts of The Hyakugaku Renkan (text A and text B) are from: Ōkubo Toshiaki ed. Nishi Amane zenshū (the complete works of Nishi Amane), vol. 4, Tokyo: Munetaka shobō, 1981.
  • [nihu]Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    This is a comprehensive database for literature review on Chinese environmental issues. A part of this database is financially supported by NIHU Program “Contemporary Chinese Area Studies”.
  • [nihu]An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    本目録は、20 世紀の南アジアを中心に、イスラーム復興思想において世界的にも大きな影響を与えてきたとされる思想家、サイイド・アブル・アアラー・マウドゥーディー(Saiyid Abu al-A`la Maududi, 1903-79)の著作の全体像の概観を目的としたものである。
  • [nihu]Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    中東現代文学邦訳・研究文献 現代中東文学研究会(代表 岡真理(京都大学))<br />中東現代邦訳および研究文献のうち、現代アラブ小説翻訳・研究文献のリスト。
  • [nihu]Statistical Maps of India
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    インド統計地図集 東京大学TINDAS拠点<br />インドの諸統計を元に作成した地図データベース。
  • [nihu]Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Documentation Center for Islamic Area Studies. Comprehensive Bibliography on Mecelle, or Ottoman Civil Code which was compiled in the 19th century.
  • [nihu]Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Database of photos and captions published by Ato Inga Kyokai in Dalian, China, during 1924-1944, contains over 2,500 pictures. The majority of the photographs were taken in China, Korea, or Mongolia, by Japanese photographer, depicting people's daily lives, natural landscapes, and historical buildings.
  • [nihu]database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    National Institutes for the Humanities
  • [nihu]Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    National Institutes for the Humanities
  • [nihu]Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
    National Institutes for the Humanities
    Database of photos and captions published by Ajia Shashin Taikan Sha in Dalian, China, during 1924-1940, contains over 2,500 pictures. The majority of the photographs were taken in China, Korea, or Mongolia, by Japanese photographer, depicting people's daily lives, natural landscapes, and historical buildings.
  • cas

    Database included

    [nihu] The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
    [nihu] The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
    [nihu] Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
    [nihu] Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • nmjh

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nmjh] Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
    [nmjh] REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Manors in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
    [nmjh] Munafuda Database
    [nmjh] Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    [nmjh] A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
    [nmjh] Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
    [nmjh] A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
    [nmjh] Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database
    [nmjh] Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    [nmjh] Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
    [nmjh] Database of Siebold Family Collection
    [nmjh] National Museum of Japanese History Repository
  • nijl

    Database included

    [nijl] Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    [nijl] Azuma-Kagami
    [nijl] Eiri Genji Monogatari
    [nijl] Niju-ichi-dai Shu
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
    [nijl] Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
    [nijl] Archival Location Information Database
    [nijl] New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
    [nijl] Historical Figure Image
    [nijl] Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    [nijl] Archival Information Sharing Database
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
    [nijl] Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    [nijl] Rekishi Monogatari
    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [nijl] Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    [nijl] Collectors' Seals
    [nijl] National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository
  • ninjal

    Database included

    [ninjal] Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ninjal] Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    [ninjal] Summary of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    [ninjal] Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    [ninjal] Draft Linguistic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room
  • ircjs

    Database included

    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
  • rihn

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN OPAC
    [rihn] Iriomote Literature Database
    [rihn] Photo Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [rihn] Ecological History Bibliography
    [rihn] Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Repository
  • nme

    Database included

    [nme] Artifact Catalog
    [nme] Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
    [nme] Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
    [nme] The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
    [nme] The George Brown Collection
    [nme] Visual Materials Catalog
    [nme] Videotheque
    [nme] Performing Arts Film
    [nme] Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
    [nme] Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    [nme] Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nme] Minpaku Repository
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    [nme] The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    [nme] Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
    [nme] Clothing and Accessory Materials
    [nme] Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
  • bibliography

    Database included

    [nmjh] Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
    [nijl] Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
    [nijl] Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [rihn] Iriomote Literature Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Bibliography
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    [nme] Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
    [nihu] The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
    [nihu] The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
    [nihu] Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
  • facts

    Database included

    [nmjh] Manors in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Munafuda Database
    [nmjh] Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    [nmjh] A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
    [nmjh] Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    [nmjh] A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
    [nmjh] Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database
    [nmjh] Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    [nmjh] Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
    [nmjh] Database of Siebold Family Collection
    [nijl] Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
    [nijl] Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    [nijl] Collectors' Seals
    [ninjal] Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [nme] Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
    [nme] Performing Arts Film
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nihu] Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • images_audio

    Database included

    [nijl] New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
    [nijl] Historical Figure Image
    [nijl] Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [nme] Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
    [nme] Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    [nme] Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • materials

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nijl] Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    [nijl] Azuma-Kagami
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
    [nijl] Archival Location Information Database
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    [nijl] Archival Information Sharing Database
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [rihn] Photo Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Artifact Catalog
    [nme] Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
    [nme] The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
    [nme] The George Brown Collection
    [nme] Visual Materials Catalog
    [nme] Videotheque
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    [nme] Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
    [nme] Clothing and Accessory Materials
    [ninjal] Summary of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    [ninjal] Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collections
    [ninjal] Draft Linguistic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room
  • full_text

    Database included

    [nmjh] Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
    [nmjh] National Museum of Japanese History Repository
    [nijl] Eiri Genji Monogatari
    [nijl] Niju-ichi-dai Shu
    [nijl] Rekishi Monogatari
    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [nijl] National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ninjal] Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    [ircjs] Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
    [rihn] Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Repository
    [nme] Minpaku Repository
  • libraries

    Database included

    [nmjh] REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [rihn] RIHN OPAC
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
  • asian_history

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nihu] The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
    [nihu] The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
    [nihu] Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • linguistics

    Database included

    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nme] The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    [nme] Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
    [nihu] Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
  • area_studies

    Database included

    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • archaeology

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
    [nmjh] Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
  • japanese_history

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nmjh] Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
    [nmjh] Manors in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
    [nmjh] Munafuda Database
    [nmjh] Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    [nmjh] A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Database of Siebold Family Collection
    [nmjh] National Museum of Japanese History Repository
    [nijl] Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] Archival Location Information Database
    [nijl] Historical Figure Image
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    [nijl] Archival Information Sharing Database
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    [nijl] Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    [nijl] Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
  • philosophy

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
  • japanese_literature

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nijl] Azuma-Kagami
    [nijl] Eiri Genji Monogatari
    [nijl] Niju-ichi-dai Shu
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
    [nijl] Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
    [nijl] New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
    [nijl] Historical Figure Image
    [nijl] Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    [nijl] Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
    [nijl] Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Rekishi Monogatari
    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [nijl] Collectors' Seals
    [nijl] National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
  • integrated_science

    Database included

    [nmjh] REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
  • human_geography

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Manors in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • cultural_anthropology_folklore

    Database included

    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
    [nmjh] A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [rihn] Ecological History Bibliography
    [nme] Artifact Catalog
    [nme] Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
    [nme] Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
    [nme] The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
    [nme] The George Brown Collection
    [nme] Visual Materials Catalog
    [nme] Videotheque
    [nme] Performing Arts Film
    [nme] Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    [nme] Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nme] Minpaku Repository
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    [nme] The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    [nme] Clothing and Accessory Materials
    [nme] Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • cultural_property_science

    Database included

    [nmjh] Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
  • historical_studies_in_general

    Database included

    [nmjh] Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
    [nijl] Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    [nijl] Archival Location Information Database
    [nijl] Archival Information Sharing Database
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
  • japanese_linguistics

    Database included

    [ninjal] Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ninjal] Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
  • geography

    Database included

    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • the_arts

    Database included

    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [nme] Performing Arts Film
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
  • environmental_science

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN OPAC
    [rihn] Photo Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Repository
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • earth_and_planetary_science

    Database included

    [rihn] Iriomote Literature Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
  • informatics

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
  • human_life_science

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Clothing and Accessory Materials
    [nme] Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
  • educaion

    Database included

    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [nihu] The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
  • religious_studies

    Database included

    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
  • economics

    Database included

    [nmjh] Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • european_history

    Database included

    [nijl] Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
  • sociology_history_of_science_and_technology

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
  • politics

    Database included

    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
  • basic_biology

    Database included

    [rihn] RIHN OPAC
    [rihn] Iriomote Literature Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [rihn] Ecological History Bibliography
  • japanese_language_education

    Database included

    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
  • business_administration

    Database included

    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
  • sociology

    Database included

    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • law

    Database included

    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
  • facts

    Database included

    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Manors in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Munafuda Database
    [nmjh] Ancient and Medieval Urban Life (Prices) Database
    [nmjh] A Database of Edo Merchants and Artisans
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Notice Boards)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Towns)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Jomon Period Clay Figurines Database(Dogu Database)
    [nmjh] Ceramics Kiln Site of Early Modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Excavations)
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Excavations)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Itabi)
    [nmjh] A Lexicon of Japanese Folklore Expressions
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Animals and Plants
    [nmjh] Popular Superstition Database Body and Disease
    [nmjh] Sites of Settlements in the Jomon and Yayoi Periods Database
    [nmjh] Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Publishing and Advertisement of the Meiji period)
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Renga, Ennou, Gagaku Database
    [nijl] Integrated Classics Database (Jigekaden and Haga Jinmei Jiten)
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Collectors' Seals
    [ninjal] Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ircjs] Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [rihn] Photo Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [nme] Videotheque
    [nme] Performing Arts Film
    [nihu] The Index of articles in "Chunghua educational review"
    [nihu] Nishi Amane's The Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia)
    [nihu] Statistical Maps of India
  • contents_access

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nmjh] Kaneaki-kyo-ki, or Diary of Hirohashi-Kaneaki(15C) Data Base
    [nmjh] The composition of the stone instruments in the Yayoi period Data Base(Figures)
    [nmjh] Database of Materials used for Cultural Properties
    [nmjh] National Museum of Japanese History Repository
    [nijl] Azuma-Kagami
    [nijl] Eiri Genji Monogatari
    [nijl] Niju-ichi-dai Shu
    [nijl] Early Modern Document Information Database (Modern Bibliography and Images)
    [nijl] New Naraehon (Nara Picture Book) Database
    [nijl] Historical Figure Image
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Rekishi Monogatari
    [nijl] Kojiruien Database
    [nijl] Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    [nijl] Collectors' Seals
    [nijl] National Institute of Japanese Literature Repository
    [ninjal] Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects
    [ninjal] Linguistics Atlas of Japan
    [ninjal] Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress
    [ninjal] Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Noma Archives (Rare European Medical Books)
    [ircjs] Soda Archives: Pictorial and Miscellaneous Materials
    [ircjs] Emakimono (Picture Scrolls)
    [ircjs] Folklore Illustrations
    [ircjs] Chirimen-bon (Crepe-paper Books)
    [ircjs] Nara Ehon in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Illustrations of Historic Places in Kyoto
    [ircjs] Tanzaku, or Poems by Noteworthy Kyoto Personages
    [ircjs] Heian Jinbutsu Shi (Who's Who in Old Kyoto)
    [ircjs] Ukiyo-e in the Library of Congress Collection
    [ircjs] Kyoto Festivals and Customs
    [ircjs] Kigo Search Engine
    [ircjs] Kinsei kijinden (Prominent Figures of Our Times)
    [ircjs] Haikai
    [ircjs] Renga
    [ircjs] Waka
    [ircjs] Japanese Art Overseas
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Map Collection
    [ircjs] Nichibunken Open Access
    [rihn] Photo Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Photograph
    [rihn] Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Repository
    [nme] Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
    [nme] Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    [nme] Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nme] Minpaku Repository
    [nihu] Ato Inga Shu (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1944
    [nihu] database of the images related to the Islamic archeological sites and architecture in Cairo
    [nihu] Images of Christian Architecture and Remains in Egypt
    [nihu] Ajia Taikan (Photo Albums of East Asia), 1924-1940
  • paper_document

    Database included

    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Manors-in-Japan Bibliography Database
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Democratic Rights Movement Database
    [nmjh] Medieval Notice Board Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Towns in Medieval Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Excavation Sites of Trade Ceramics in Japan (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Ceramics of pre-modern Age Database
    [nmjh] Japanese medieval Castle and Castletown Data Base (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Itabi: Medieval Stone Monuments of Eastern Japan Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Bibliography of Folklore Study in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Materials for Research on Japanese American Histories
    [nmjh] Database of Siebold Family Collection
    [nijl] Archival Holdings on Japanese History
    [nijl] Konicki Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe
    [nijl] Database of Ancient Writing Fragments
    [nijl] Archival Location Information Database
    [nijl] Database of Research Thesis in Japanese Literature
    [nijl] Archival Information Sharing Database
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Bibliographical Database of Archival Studies in Japan
    [ninjal] Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research
    [rihn] Iriomote Literature Database
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [rihn] Ecological History Bibliography
    [nme] Published References to Artifacts in the Museum
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
    [nme] Umesao Tadao: Written Works (1934 -- )
    [nme] Publications Concerning Clothing Culture
    [nihu] The Bibliography of Japanese studies on Wartime China
    [nihu] Research on Chinese Environmental Issues
    [nihu] An Annotated Catalogue of Maududi
    [nihu] Japanese Transrations and Studies of Modern Middle Eastern Literature
    [nihu] Database for the Comprehensive Study of the Ottoman Civil Code (Mecelle)
  • archive_material

    Database included

    [nmjh] General Catalogue Database
    [nmjh] Medieval-Monjo Database
    [nmjh] Modern times and modern-Monjo Data Base
    [nmjh] Collection of Japanese Musical Instruments: Heirloom of Kishu-Tokugawa Family
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database
    [nmjh] Weapons and Arms Database (Bibliography)
    [nmjh] Nishikie Database
    [nmjh] Futokoroni-Tamaru-Morokuzu Database (Scrapbooks of Comic Storyteller)
    [nmjh] The Nomura Collection: Costumes and Accessories in Japan Database
    [nmjh] Carved Papers for Dyework Database
    [nmjh] Archaeological object of Jomon period Database
    [nmjh] Japanese Traditional Accessories Database
    [nmjh] The Takamatsunomiya Collection: Texrt and Documents Database
    [nmjh] REKIHAKU Library Catalogue Database
    [nijl] NIJL Database of Detailed Records about Shrine and Temple
    [nijl] Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
    [nijl] Japan Museum of Business and Industry Collection Database
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Books)
    [ninjal] NINJAL Research Library OPAC (Periodicals)
    [ircjs] Rare Books and Maps on Japan in European Languages
    [ircjs] Catalogue of pre-1900 Western-language Publications Related to Japan
    [rihn] RIHN OPAC
    [rihn] RIHN Research Archives Database
    [nme] Artifact Catalog
    [nme] Detailed information on artifacts in the Catalog
    [nme] The George Brown Collection (in Japanese)
    [nme] The George Brown Collection
    [nme] Visual Materials Catalog
    [nme] Videotheque
    [nme] Photographs of the Tonga Expedition of Kyoto University (1960)
    [nme] Photographs of the Kyoto University African Scientific Expedition (1962 -- 1967)
    [nme] Morihiro Oki's photographs of India
    [nme] Audio Materials Catalog
    [nme] Itemized information on audio records in the audio materials Catalog
    [nme] Books Catalog
    [nme] Periodicals Catalog
    [nme] The Kaufman Collection of Old Maps of Africa
    [nme] The Nakanishi Collection: World Literary Materials
    [nme] Japanese Traditional Folktales: The Inada Koji Collection
    [nme] Clothing and Accessory Materials